Enjoying Tuktuks

apeAt first I thought it was the anticipation of going home from work. Or when the driver is in a good mood. But then I realised that it goes deeper - or is older: underlying it is a childhood memory. We often went on holiday to Italy , and it was always the first highlight of the trip (usually in the family car) when we spotted the first tricycle. It was a Piaggio Ape, the three-wheeled big brother of the Vespa, which was often used as a delivery van. And sometimes also as a small taxi. I can still remember how five of us once squeezed into one, just so that we children could ride a "three-wheely" for a change.

Well, in Malindi, the tuktuk tricycle is the main means of transport in and around the town, next to the motorbike taxi. So I really get my money's worth in terms of tricycles here.